Saturday, March 03, 2007

How Israel lives with Palestine's hunger

This is perhaps the best commentary I've come across by an Israeli writer on Israel's hypocrisy. Its candid, non-apologetic and does not present half-truths. Its the truth whether you like it or not and for that I strongly recommend reading Ran HaCohen's excellent article on how Israeli occupation justifies its own war crimes.

(It's high time we -Arabs- asked ourselves how we live with Palestine's hunger, Iraq's bloodbath and our own death)

How to Live With Hunger
by Ran HaCohen
When I was a child, a popular argument in favor of the Israeli "liberation," i.e., occupation, of the Palestinian territories was its being a blessing for the Palestinians themselves. "When we took it over," I was told at school, "there were just a couple of cars in the entire West Bank. And look how many they have now!" Indeed, in the first decades of the Israeli occupation, the Palestinian standard of living was on the rise – not because of Israeli investments (Israel never invested a cent in Palestinian welfare or infrastructure), but mainly because Israel exploited the Palestinians as a cheap labor force, and even a cheap labor force gets paid.
The welfare argument cannot be heard anymore, now that one in two Gaza and West Bank households is "food insecure" or in danger of becoming so, as a UN report recently revealed. Not that it changed anything for the Israeli expansionists: once that colonialist argument became obsolete, the supporters of the occupation switched to other excuses. That's the nice thing about the politics of the occupation: the support for it is based on excuses, not reasons. Whenever one excuse fails, Israel's propaganda machine offers another.
It's interesting to observe, however, how Israelis nowadays cope with what used to be such a popular excuse. Having claimed the occupation ameliorated Palestinian life, Israelis now have to face hunger and starvation at their doorstep. How do they live with it?

Read full commentary here

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