Saturday, February 03, 2007


Here George expose the "myopic" British foreign secretary's "rose tinted" glasses and how she refuses to see the crisis that is coming..

"There is no democracy in Lebanon.. if there was a democracy Hassan Nasrallah would be president but he can't be because the president of Lebanon has to be Christian, the parliament speaker has to be Shia and the prime minister Sunni... It is the opposite of democracy. It is based on a census that is over 50 out of date.."

"For the moment the trial of Tony Blair is taking place on Channel 4 television. But the day will come - and it's coming soon- when a real trial of Tony Blair in a real court."

Friday, February 02, 2007

مصر تسلح فتح

في اطار خدماتها الجليلة للادارة الامريكية و قرة عينيها الاسرائيلية، قررت مصر المساهمة بشكل جاد و مؤثر في تاجيج الصراع بين حماس التي فازت في انتخابات ديمقراطية و فتح التي دمرت السلطة الفلسطينية و نهبت اموال الفلسطينيين
فماذا فعلت مصر مبارك؟ اخر فضائح مصر مبارك اننا ادخلنا شاحنات الي الاراضي الفلسطينية امس الاول تحت مسمي مساعدات غذائية و طبية و طبعا اسرائيل سمحت بمرورها لانها دولة لطيفة جدا زي مصر مبارك
الا ان عندما فتشت عناصر حماس محتوي هذه الشاحانات وجدت اسلحة! و هل تعرفون الي اين كانت ستذهب هذه الاسلحة؟ الي فتح! ليس لمقاومة الاحتلال بالطبع بل لسفك المزيد من الدماء الفلسطينية و اعفاء اسرائيل من هذا الاجرام مؤقتاً
شكرا مصر مبارك

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Al-Masry Al-Youm VS Muslim Brotherhood

I want to write about the so-called "independent" Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm which is owned by wealthy businessmen with trade links to Israel. (No this isn't fiction, its reality. Ask Salah Diab himself.)

Their Israeli connection isn't the issue here although it's certainly something to keep in mind when evaluating this newspaper.

The issue is the paper's role in serving the regime's interests.

For one thing, it has done the police state in Egypt a huge favour by spearheading the hysterical campaign against this country's oldest and largest opposition group the Muslim Brotherhood. Even the sick pro-government (or shall we say Interior Ministry mouthpiece?) Rose El-Youssef daily newspaper couldn't compete with Al-Masry Al-Youm.

Why? Although Rose El-Youssef publishes nothing but filth and hysterical diatribes which very few people bother to read anyway, its alleagancies to the regime are no secret. This leads anyone with the average IQ to take anything they say with a grain of salt because it is official government propaganda.

But with the self-proclaimed "independent" Al-Masry Al-Youm, the average reader with average IQ, political "awareness" and all probably wont suspect any wrong-doing on the paper's part because it's "objective" and all that stuff. Al-Masry Al-Youm also seemed to take *sides* with the *reform* movement. In many ways it served as a platform for government critics and an activities calendar for the many anti-Mubarak and anti-dictatorship/corruption demonstrations that marked 2005 and the first half of 2006.

Yet the stench of the rotten in Al-Masry Al-Youm is beginning to suffocate me (read their story in p5 today titled 'The mufti: forming a muslim brotherhood party will transforms Muslims to sects' [Since when do we care what the mufti's political views are? Clearly the "liberal" Al-Masry Al-Youm does because they're campaigning against the MB). I found their police work in inciting public opinion against the Muslim Brotherhood quite appalling if not cheap and I have a major issue with their sensitive approach towards he who thinks of himself as heir-to-be, the Gamal Mubarak.

Yes Al-Masry Al-Youm does good reporting in general but that's because the Egyptian press stopped reporting on anything for over a decade now and either suck up to the powers that be (Al-Ahram, Al-Akhbar, Rose El-Youssef etc) OR rant about the powers that be (El-Destour, Soat El-Umma, El-Karama etc).

And since Al-Masry Al-Youm is doing some journalism it stands out as "the professional" the "independent" the whatever it likes to call itself.. But in fact its not.

When you join ranks with a despotic regime that has done as much destruction to a country (Egypt) as the occupation did in Iraq (without a classic war and a classic occuption although both exist in Egypt nonetheless)- then you are far from serving as an independent newspaper nor do you subscribe to the aims, purposes or objectives of honest journalism.

When you help the regime quash its opponents and you tread cautiously around its glaring plans to install the Gamal Mubarak, you're committing a crime.

Al-Masry Al-Youm is helping the regime in its vicious campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood simply because they constitute a threat to the authorities and not because they have issues with the group's ideology. (Egypt is already an Islamic state just look at the hijab, the niqab, the chador, the beards, the writing on the wall- you name it and yet neither the regime nor its spasticated liberal cohorts give a damn.. noooo, all they're worried about is the muslim brotherhood bogeyman). And this, my dears, is what the security apparatus does already so why is this newspaper helping them? Or is it a newspaper?

Al-Masry Al-Youm is also promoting the Gamal Mubarak.

Al-Masry Al-Youm is fake.

Back from the dead

I'm back- not that "my readers" were wondering whatever happened to me.

I will volunteer a brief explanation for The Cairene's comeback: I'm fedup with all the madness we all wake up to every single day of our lives. Egypt is no longer a country or a state to start with and the good old "Arab world" decided that the best way for our advancement and progress is to effectively curb population growth- by killing each other.

That way we save the Americans and their Israeli friends the moral dilemna (well yes, those first world people must know more than we do about morals, ethics, humanity, equality, the right to live etc..) of occupying, destroying and killing us.

We also save them money, the effort of having to *think* (Bush not intended here lest your dirty minds wonder) or even having to send their boys to our side of the world where -poor souls- they end up all depressed and everything and do naughty things like raping Iraqi teenage girls then killing their families and burning their corpses for good measure.

OK that was not quite as brief as I intended but forgive moi, I've been silent for too long and now is the time my friends to speak.